Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What types of audio files can I convert?


Q: What happens to my file after I upload it? Is it safe?

A: When you upload a file via the widget, it passes to our partner Online-Convert for conversion. We do not store your file.

When you download the converted file, it passes straight from Online-Convert to you.

Your original file and the converted version are automatically deleted from Online-Convert's servers after 24 hours.

Q: Is there a maximum file size?

A: Yes. We currently have a maximum file size limit of 50 MB.

Q: Is there a minimum file size?

A: Yes. We can only convert files that are larger than 1 KB.

Q: When I browse to select the file I want to upload, I don't see it in the browse window. I know the file is there. Why can't I see it?

A: The toolbar only supports conversions of certain file types. If you are not seeing the file you want to convert in the browse window, then it is likely an unsupported file format and cannot be converted at this time.

Q: Why don't I see the file format I want to convert it to?

A: After you select a file, the toolbar automatically displays all of the possible file formats that you can convert to. If you are not seeing the file format that you want to convert to in the dropdown window, then it is likely an unsupported file format and cannot be converted to at this time from the selected file.

Q: Is there a limit on how many files I can convert?

A: Yes. You can convert up to 10 audio files per day. Cancelled files will count toward the daily limit.

Q: I accidentally closed the widget/browser window before my file started to download. Is there any way for me to still get it?

A: Yes. Simply open the widget again, and you will be prompted to download the converted file. Converted files are available for up to 24 hours after you submit them.

Q: I accidentally closed the widget/browser window before my file started to download, but it didn't prompt me to download it the next time I opened the widget. What gives?

A: Converted files are only available for up to 24 hours after you submit them. You will not be prompted to download a converted file if more than 24 hours have passed since the file was submitted.

Q: Where can I locate the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy that pertain to this toolbar/extension product?

A: Click to view the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy.

Q: Didn’t find the answer to your question?

A: Visit out Support Center, which contains a searchable knowledgebase, to help answer your questions.

Q: Still have questions?

A: Email us at